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Our Mission:



We are dedicated to advocating for the well-being, empowerment, and future success of Black children and families.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create a space that acknowledges the unique experiences of Black children, addresses the challenges they may face, and to work towards creating a more just and equitable environment for them to thrive.

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Our Vision

We envision a world where every Black child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment. Through our advocacy efforts, community partnerships, and educational initiatives, we aim to break down systemic barriers and ensure that Black children have access to the same opportunities and resources as their peers.


Community Support

We provide a platform for Black families, caregivers, and community members to share their stories, experiences, and insights. By fostering a sense of community and connection, we aim to create a supportive network that uplifts and empowers one another.

Cultural Competence

Culturally competent care is essential in helping systems. By understanding and respecting the unique cultural backgrounds of Black children and families, we can create an environment where they feel valued, heard, and understood.

Educational Resources

Our website offers a wealth of educational resources, articles, and guides addressing various aspects of Black child welfare. We cover topics ranging from cultural competence in the child welfare system to understanding the impact of systemic racism on Black families.

Addressing Disparities

Black children are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system. We believe that it's crucial to address these disparities and work towards a more equitable system that truly serves the best interests of Black children and families.

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CEO/Founder- Chanell Jones, LCSW-C

We believe in breaking the cycle of generational trauma and inequality. By providing resources and support to Black families, we aim to empower them to overcome challenges and create a brighter future for their children.


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Get Involved

At Black Child Welfare, we invite you to join us in advocating for a brighter future for Black children and families. Whether you're a caregiver, community member, professional, or ally, your support is vital in creating meaningful change within the community. Together, we can build a more just and equitable world for all children.


Inquire about training/consultation/workshops

To schedule a training session or consultation, please contact us. Together, we can create a more inclusive and culturally aware environment that positively impacts the lives of those we serve.

Volunteer opportunities

Join us in making a profound impact on the lives of black children and families! Our volunteer opportunities offer a unique chance to be a part of positive change in our community.

Make a Donation

Your generosity can make an impact on the lives of black children and families. By making a donation, you are contributing to the sustainability of our mission to provide essential support, education, and opportunities to those who need it most.